
Τhis year, our parties from Thursday to Sunday will be at Serafeio, a new innovative urban complex for athletic activities and cultural events in the heart of Athens. Get ready to dance on 600sq of wooden floor in a space with amazing vibes!

Classes Venues:

– Serafio, Echelidon & Piraeus 144 str, Athens

Rhythm Hoppers Dance Studio, Evrimedontos 7A str, Athens

GYM (in the Serafeio Building Complex)

Thodoris Panas – Athens Dance School, Marathonomachon 52 str, Athens

* Please note that the venue Gym is located in the Serafeio complex, but it’s a different venue from the one where we will have the parties.

Below You can find a map containing the venues and the distances between. You can also find an list of the venues in the link below:

Venues google map list